At the invitation of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, Father Vazken Movsesian, Chaplain of USC Armenian Students and Director of In His Shoes Ministries, presented a lecture entitled, "Khrimian to Obama: Lessons and Lies in Non-Violent Revolution”. The lecture took place on Monday, Feburary 1, 2010, 12 Noon at Waite Phillips Hall on the USC campus. Fr. Vazken looked at the models of non-violent revolution presented by the Armenian Church and focused on how Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez used that same RELIGIOUS models to advance their causes. In so doing, his lecture pointed towards answers that can be found to the Armenian Question and National Identity which is no further than the faith/belief system Armenians have been engaged in and expounding for the last 2000 years. Due to popular demand, the lecture was recorded and made available for all to view.